

事实上,JavaScript 中的所有东西几乎都是对象 - 数组,函数,数字,甚至字符串 - 它们都有属性和方法。

// Creating an object literal.

var myObject = {
    sayHello: function() {
        console.log( "hello" );
    myName: "Rebecca"

myObject.sayHello(); // "hello"

console.log( myObject.myName ); // "Rebecca"

创建对象字面量时,注意每一个键值对的键部分可以是任何有效的 JavaScript 标识符、字符串(被引号包含)或者数字:

var myObject = {
    validIdentifier: 123,
    "some string": 456,
    99999: 789


var myObject = {
    validIdentifier: 123,
    "some string": 456,
    99999: 789

for ( var prop in myObject ) {
    // Determine if the property is on the object itself.
    // (not on the prototype)
    if ( myObject.hasOwnProperty( prop ) ) {
        console.log( "Property : " + prop + " ; value : " + myObject[ prop ] );

// Would log the following:
// Please note that the order is not guaranteed and may differ.

// Property : 99999 ; value : 789
// Property : validIdentifier ; value : 123
// Property : some string ; value : 456