
Condition If

The easiest condition is an if statement and its syntax is if(condition){ do this … }. The condition has to be true for the code inside the curly braces to be executed. You can for example test a string and set the value of another string dependent on its value:

var country = "France";
var weather;
var food;
var currency;

if(country === "England") {
    weather = "horrible";
    food = "filling";
    currency = "pound sterling";

if(country === "France") {
    weather = "nice";
    food = "stunning, but hardly ever vegetarian";
    currency = "funny, small and colourful";

if(country === "Germany") {
    weather = "average";
    food = "wurst thing ever";
    currency = "funny, small and colourful";

var message = "this is " + country + ", the weather is " +
            weather + ", the food is " + food + " and the " +
            "currency is " + currency;

Note: Conditions can also be nested.


Fill up the value of name to validate the condition.

var name =

if (name === "John") {
