


... The bill right now is at five hundred thousand dollars for a conversion mistake.

结论就是,因为之前的律师混蛋,竟然没把公司注册在 Delaware,最终得多浪费几十万美元……


话说回来,这就是获取信息的重要原则:一定要从高质量的源获取信息。 或者反过来说,为了能获得重要信息,平日里要想尽一切办法高度关注高质量信息源。YC的这套创业课,就是高质量信息源,于是,未曾预料到地,我们知道了在美国创业办公室的话,最好去 Delaware ——就这么简单。

Why Corporations Choose Delaware


"Expert" advices, tips, or strategies are completely irrelevant unless they"re provided in the context of how they"ll work for you and your goals. Unless said expert has a clear understanding of you, what you"re trying to create, and whoelse is involved. Period. End of discussion.



Few people actually give good advice.



对创业者来说,有两个领域必须依赖真正的专家,法务和财务。从这一点上看,YC 确实很牛,他们直接投资的公司里,Clerky 是帮助创业公司处理法务的,ZenPayroll 是帮助创业公司处理财务的——这是很完善的创业投资战略。



后面的内容里,还提到创始人最好签署一个叫“83(b) Election”的文件。中美法律不同,但有个了解也好:

83(b) Election Form

Many founders wish to make an 83(b) election in order to preserve possible future taxation benefits. A Section 83(b) election is an election to include in income the value of property which is subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, such as a Company repurchase right in the purchase agreement, which repurchase right lapses over time as a founder provides services to the Company. Because the stock is subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, the founder does not have to pay tax on his receipt of the stock until it vests. Often a founder may make a Section 83(b) election to pay tax on the value of the stock today because its value is lower than it is expected to be when it the repurchase right lapses, or because the founder paid full value for it at the time of purchase so the Section 83(b) election incurs no additional current tax. The making of the Section 83(b) election also starts the founder’s capital gains holding period. Access additional information about making the election.
